Friday, April 26, 2013

Lesson Learned ...

This week I tried to switch my work out time around Eric's new work schedule. I thought I would start working out in the evenings and then go and pick him up from work.
It is amazing to me that the gym is an entire different place at night and I will never go there again. People are rude, you can't get on a machine and there is no room to work out.
Plus I was shocked that my performance was in the gutter. I couldn't believe how much of a difference the time of day had on my workout.
So I went back to mornings and guess what...


on my way !!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

PR'd Baby!!!

This winter has been really tough physically for me. I have been adjusting to taking Enbrel for my Psoratic Arthritis and while doing so I have been trying my hardest to stay well.
Right after Thanksgiving I pulled my right trapezius muscle. Rendering my workout impossible for weeks on end. I was in physical therapy 3 days a week and miserable. When I first went back to the gym my PT thought I could start with walking (No lifting, no circuit and absolutely no elliptical) for the first week. I hopped on the treadmill. walking along like a slug. It took everything I could to restrain myself. 2 days walking and I was told I could speed it up a little. I did and I ended up doing traction for the next 3 weeks.


I started back the first of February, slowly again. Walking, check! Jogging, check! Added in the weights check! Awesome. I was back in action. Until... a little cold or so I thought. Crap and then I learned the downfall of being on a biologic medication. 2 weeks later, that cold is still around and I have an upper respiratory infection. No gym, no weights, no running, no walking. If I don't get better I am going to end up in the hospital. Dang it all anyway.
February is blown and March comes along I start to feel better and begin exercising again as my strength allows. April comes and I am working it. I have had a little cold so I skipped my Enbrel for a week to try to kick it out. Although then my arthritis kicks up like crazy, so it's a catch 22. Illness versus arthritis pain. Eventually I will figure it out.
Now for the news you came for. Last summer I made the goal that I wanted to get my 5K time down under 50 minutes. Almost every morning I try to get in at least 3 miles. On Wednesday I ran it at....  


Next goal is 45 minutes. Keep your fingers...and toes crossed.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The first step....

You can buy all the new shoes in the world but unless you do something with them they are going to get you nowhere.  My trainer got me started on interval training and I have to say I am hooked. I love when I start my run and push myself until I can't go anymore. I love to see that length in my run time get longer and longer. I am excited for next weekend when I do my first 10K. Stay tuned....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hero Run....

My 5K season has started. I know there are plenty of 5K year round but I really hate the cold so the less I have to be out in it the better.
The first 5K of the year was the Super Hero 10K or 5K fun run sponsered for the Shriners hospital.So many wonderful organizations to support. Next week is the Susan Koman Fondation. The following is Utah's Run, Walk or Roll which is always very near and dear to my heart because of my friend Brooke and her son Nathan. You can read their story here Nathans Story.
 It is awesome I can combine two things I love sweating and giving back to others.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Going Private....

With deep regret and due to the same reasons I explained on my personal blog, I will be making this blog private as well. I was hoping that the problem I had with my personal blog would not follow me here but it seems like it has, so please email me and let me know if you would like to be added. I will be shutting down in the next little while. You will still receive notices on facebook still when I post to this as well as my personal blog. I am so sorry for any inconvenience this might cause, I hope that you will still keep reading.

How early we learn.....